Want to learn a new skill? Need a little extra help with a task?
The Appomattox Regional Library System offers 30-minute Book-A-Librarian sessions with our professional and skilled librarians. Fill out an application form as completely as you can and with as much detail as possible. Submit your request at any ARLS location. You will be contacted by a librarian after your request is received. It’s that easy!
Some of the tasks we are available to help with include:
- Setting up a new email account
- Formatting a resume
- Printing tax forms
- Using an e-Reader
- Using an iPad or other tablet
- Getting started on social media
- Book suggestions or reading lists
- ARLS databases such as Hoopla, MasterFILE Complete, OverDrive, Accel5, and Transparent Language
- Basic computing (Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc)
- Downloading pictures to a laptop