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Gale Legal Forms has an extensive library that offers customizable forms, a comprehensive legal dictionary, and a platform for asking questions and receiving expert answers. Whether you’re drafting a living will, resolving a landlord-tenant dispute, or addressing a property damage issue, Gale Legal Forms provides the resources you need at a fraction of the cost of traditional legal services. All forms are crafted by experienced attorneys in various fields, ensuring you get high-quality, reliable documents. Download as many forms as you need to meet your legal requirements efficiently.


Westlaw is your go-to resource for comprehensive legal research. It allows you to search for cases, statutes, and various forms—including those related to divorce, bankruptcy, immigration, wills, and estate planning. Available on computers at seven of our eight locations (excluding Burrowsville), you can also access Westlaw from home. To use Westlaw remotely, click the button above and then contact us at 804-458-6329 ext. 1001 to speak with a librarian. We will provide you with a temporary username and password valid for three hours, with additional access available if needed.